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Dozen Photos Challenge


This is my strongest image because it has the most interesting composition which was achieved using the low perspective technique. I love how the branches frame the moon and draw the eye to it. I also like the contrast of the dark, sharp branch silhouettes against the soft, blue sky.

Biggest Challenge

The biggest challenge I encountered during the project was the color aspect. Winter is a dull, dreary season with little color present in the natural environment. For this reason, I found it difficult to find subjects displaying complementary and analogous colors. Additionally, I was shooting in a local park where brighter colors normally found on man-made structures were absent. I therefore decided to embrace a more muted color palette in my work.

In the Future...

In the future, I plan to use what I learned about composition, lighting, and color to create stronger, more visually interesting images. I will especially apply what I learned about composition as I believe it makes a huge difference in creating a captivating image that more effectively captures the attention of its audience.


I absolutely love the gallery of pictures you've curated for this project. I especially like your photos that focused on different lighting techniques. You have a great eye for interesting lighting which is exemplified by this photo as well as the hard lighting picture. I also thought your repetitive image for the composition portion of the assignment was excellent. I was instantly drawn to the image because of how visually engaging it is. Additionally, the graininess and colors of the photo give it a vintage feel that matches the subject matter perfectly!

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2024 by Alyssa Platt

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